The James Hall Museum of Transport houses a wonderful collection of land transport vehicles. This page contains photographs and details of some of the trams and trolley buses housed within the museum.

The museum also boasts a fabulous collection of photographs depicting land transport vehicles in their heyday.

The museum has an example of the first horse-drawn Tram used in Johannesburg from 1891 to 1902. It was pulled by two horses on a track laid down in the middle of the roadway and had a maximum speed of 7mph. The driver blew a bone whistle to warn pedestrians of the Tram's approach.

The electric Trams on display are all double-decker, including the last Tram, which ran in 1961.
Brill Electric Tram
Kimberley 1913 to 1939
Photograph: Richard Gillatt
B.U.T. AEC Trolley bus number 600
Johannesburg 1948 to 1974
Photograph: Richard Gallatt
Daimler Trolley Bus
No. 177 Pretoria City Transport 1949 to 1972
Photograph: Richard Gallatt
Daimler Trolley Bus
No. 177 Pretoria City Transport 1949 to 1972
Photograph: John Austin-Williams
Johannesburg's last Tram
1906 - 1961
Photograph: John Austin-Williams
On 18 March 1961, the last tram returned to the sheds, ending 55 years of electric tram operations in Johannesburg.
The interior of the tram was quite spacious.
The controls of the tram. There was no seat and the driver had to stand.

The James Hall Museum of Transport

Johannesburg, South Africa